Perspective – Betwixt & Between


Betwixt and Between – “Undecided, midway between two alternatives, neither here nor there.” The Free Dictionary

Winter is waning, but still trying to hold us in the grip of its icy fingers. Spring is attempting to become a reality and turn Winter into nothing but a bad memory. Who is winning? I hope it is Spring, but this past week has been a dilly of an example of living in the “Betwixt and Between.”


The sun has begun to shine as if it means business.


The volleyball court at the local park resembles a pond,


The sidewalk resembles a stream.


The skunk cabbages, regardless of the snowy surroundings, are thrusting their folded leaves toward the sky.


Yesterday, after the snow finally disappeared, the crocus opened their golden blooms and the birds began singing “The Hallelujah Chorus.” I am joining in with a few “Hallelujahs” of my own. Welcome Spring, you can’t arrive soon enough for me.

8 thoughts on “Perspective – Betwixt & Between

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