Quick Tip – Repelling Fruit Flies

fruit bowl with rosemary

This year, the usual horde of fruit flies swarming our fruit bowl seemed non-existent. I realized this is probably due to the herbs we have on our kitchen windowsill. Strong-smelling herbs, oregano, rosemary and others, repel fruit flies. Even in winter months a few stray fruit flies make their winter abode in our home. To keep them out of the fruit bowl I’ve placed a piece of rosemary amidst the fruits.

Herbs that Repel Insects

17 thoughts on “Quick Tip – Repelling Fruit Flies

      1. DE is silica! It is one of my best finds ever – it is diatomaceous earth and the food grade is what to get


        and in 2006 I had my friend try to get me to use it for the pets – like in their food and she raved about it (she had a dog rescue and knew her stuff on some things) anyhow – I finally tried it years later and it does wonders for cleaning or to sprinkle in the window sills to naturally keep those areas fresh – and last summer j have a Baggie of DE to my friend who had fruit flies and it worked in her kitchen – also – my peach tree had a trunk fungal issue and I slathered DE on it and it dried up and the tree was saved – but I should have done it sooner because by the time I got to do it the damage was large. Anyhow – a huge bag of DE is less than 20 bucks and it is also good to drink – I will not go into that too much – but my fav herbalist suggests letting it sit in water over night – and drinking it the next day – while others just say drink some night and day for two weeks and in early 2014 it was part of my initial internal cleansing – then I used MSM and then did herbal cleanse –

        Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. It is used as a filtration aid, mild abrasive in products including metal polishes and toothpaste, mechanical insecticide, absorbent for liquids, matting agent for coatings, reinforcing filler in plastics and rubber, ant

        Liked by 1 person

          1. My pleasure – and the only caution is to not breathe it in a while bunch – the fine particulates can get into lungs – and some people just cover their breathing while using. There are also beauty treatments with DE (like exfoliating) and just so much more so please let me know what u think about it when you try it after the holidays 😉Xxoo


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