Product and Perspective – The Laminator


My husband recently brought home this cute photocopy fellow employees at his workplace had posted around the store. I loved the way the photo captured the twinkle in his eyes, and wanted to protect it as a keepsake.

Photocopy paper is fragile, so to protect it, I pulled out the laminator I purchased for just over $10.00 this past year at Aldi Supermarket. Years ago, laminating artwork or important papers was expensive; I was charged for lamination by the inch. Now the lamination of items is an easy do-it-yourself project.


The hat my husband is wearing in the photo expresses his opinion concerning the upcoming election, the button expresses mine.

The quote below is from the transcript of the second debate, and one I agree with wholeheartedly:

TRUMP: We have a divided nation. We have a very divided nation. You look at Charlotte. You look at Baltimore. You look at the violence that’s taking place in the inner cities, Chicago, you take a look at Washington, D.C.
We have an increase in murder within our cities, the biggest in 45 years. We have a divided nation, because people like her — and believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart. And when she said deplorables, she meant it. And when she said irredeemable, they’re irredeemable, you didn’t mention that, but when she said they’re irredeemable, to me that might have been even worse.
COOPER: She said some of them are irredeemable.

I find the word irredeemable to be a prelude to the word expendable, much as it was applied to those sacrificed in Benghazi in 2012. As a conservative and Follower of Jesus, I feel I must be on my guard concerning Mrs. Clinton. I also found Anderson Cooper’s immediate interruption on Clinton’s behalf, using the word ‘some’ as clarification, to be another example of the mainstream media being biased for Hillary Clinton.

Those who consider themselves the ‘Educated Elite’ are being led to vote for Mrs. Clinton by their egos, and they will be the next to be lumped into the deplorables basket when they wake up with wide-open eyes to the destructive changes she means to bring about in our country and the Supreme Court.

I’m horribly ashamed of, and disillusioned by, all the Republican politicians who have changed allegiances.

Never in all the years I have voted have I felt my vote is more important.

8 thoughts on “Product and Perspective – The Laminator

  1. Kathy, for a good supportive group, I hang out at the Conservative Treehouse. The founder of the site (called Sundance) provides excellent analyses of all the political stories appearing on the internet and the people who comment there are intelligent with a great sense of humor (mixed ages and from different walks of life). As an example, one of today’s posts:

    “Anti-Gaslighting: Raw and Current State Vote Data Not Remotely Close To Media Polling…”

    I invite you and any other interested patriot to swing by for a visit. You will be with good company. This is not entirely a political site, there is also a presidential candidate page and a separate (non-political) open thread page released every preceding evening. And Saturday’s open thread is also Caturday. 🙂

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  2. Kathy,
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest post here. I so rarely see a post or something written in support of Mr. T or something he said or did. It seems all he says is news and not good news at that. Most of the time it seems to me as if the media is a little afraid of being called pro-Republican or supporting Mr. T like he is the big, bad wolf and Mrs. C one of the three little pigs. I am not American but there is nothing that is in my thoughts more than the elections in your great country and what the outcome will be. I pray and hope that the Lord in his mercy provides a good, Christian leader to take over the reins from where they will have been thrown when Mr. O leaves.
    God bless America.

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    1. Oh Susie, thank you. I will tell you what I did not write. My grandmother was a very godly woman, she lived to be 93, and this past Wednesday would have been her 99th birthday. One day, I’d day about 30 years ago, when Donald Trump was just becoming someone who was in the news quite a bit, as we were watching something about him, she turned to me and said, “I have been praying for that man. I don’t know why, but I have just felt I should pray for him.” God prepares those who are in leadership long before they take the reins. Sometimes he lets good men govern, sometimes bad…I feel this election is so important for our country. I think Donald Trump is the only one out of the two who has a chance to be a good leader. He will need to learn quickly, but I think he is willing to learn. I think Mrs. Clinton will be nothing but the same old thing. Thanks again Susie.

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Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.