Perspective – Rain and Rainbows

Rain or Rainbows – What a terrific subject for this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge. I went to one of my favorite places over the weekend, Fortescue, New Jersey, on the Delaware Bay, only to find that the weather was contrary to what we had hoped for when we left home.

The sky was cold and grey and the temperature reflected it. The rain pelted those fishing off the beach; we think they were trying to hook some winter flounder, striper or bunker. We saw a fishing rod bend with a possible bite, but whatever nibbled at it got away.

Where there is rain you will find rainbows. Although I didn’t see a rainbow in the sky, the upturned oyster shells scattered by the surf on the beach reflected a brilliant iridescence, the only rainbow I found.

When they dry, the oysters are plain and bluish-gray in appearance.

The last rainbow is a throwback photograph and video of last year’s vacation in Jamaica. In the early morning, on the way to breakfast, my husband spotted this amazing spider web, damp after the gardener’s early morning watering; the web’s moisture captured the sun and reflected it as a shimmering rainbow.

My 30 second YouTube Video will give you a good look at the spiderweb as it danced in the wind and reflected rainbows.

24 thoughts on “Perspective – Rain and Rainbows

    1. Timelesslady

      I’ve said to my husband, ‘Imagine if oyster shells were scarce…they would be treasured. I am always fascinated by the markings on them. We often pick them up and look at the underside and always seem to find faces there.

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  1. Pingback: Favorite Place – Klinkenbergerplas 3 – What's (in) the picture?

    1. Timelesslady

      Two weeks ago I visited a friend in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. She once lived here on the east coast, and she loves Texas…except for not having the ocean nearby. I hope I always live near the sea. I find such beauty in the sea treasures it leaves scattered along the beach…even the bays have treasure. Thanks for stopping by and the comment.


  2. Pingback: How far would you go to get to your favorite place? | Renae Rude - The Paranormalist

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