Plants – Pussy Willow Catkins

It’s that time of year! Pussy Willow branches are available in the supermarket. This year the catkins were fully emerged when I bought them. Hooray! In past years they have been tightly covered and I’ve had to help the furry little catkins emerge by hand.

Forcing Pussy Willows

I must have come upon the branches soon after they were delivered to the store. When I cut the ends I saw that further up the branch there was still a touch of green, a good sign that the branches might root and continue to grow for weeks.

Pussy Willows in January make me smile and banish the winter blues! They help nurture me through the long winter days. This post is part of Nurturing Thursday.

6 thoughts on “Plants – Pussy Willow Catkins

  1. Anonymous

    Did you know that there was a farm on Chaple Heights Rd. in Washington Twp NJ that their manin crop was PUSSY WILLOWS which they took to NY and Phila stores and flower shops, sadly it is now an up scale housing community.

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Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.