Phlutters – The Final Three

The final three chrysalis opened today. Each butterfly emerged while I wasn’t looking.

I think I just missed this one crawling out of his tight confines into the light; his wings still had a slight curve.

They have all flown out into the yard and are now seeking nectar. My crusade to add to the butterfly population isn’t over. I have a large pot of dill on my back porch and there are eleven caterpillars on its tender fronds eating and growing rapidly. What fun!

9 thoughts on “Phlutters – The Final Three

  1. I totally messed up yesterday. I spotted a monarch caterpillar on a milkweed plant. I should have took part of the plant and the caterpillar and put them in a safe place. An hour later he was gone and I suspect a bird or something was the culprit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Timelesslady

      Maybe, if he was large enough, and full enough of the milkweed he left to make a chrysalis. Monarch’s have an amazing looking chrysalis. My sister once spotted one on a plant in her garden and it was fascinating.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Timelesslady

          It is…once you get hooked it’s hard to stop looking for them. I’m wondering how the butterflies made out in the torrential rain we had last night. I am sure whatever instinct God has give them to stop eating and create the chrysalis, is also in place to know where to shelter in rain.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Timelesslady

      Hi Selina, I will be adding an update to the butterfly saga on my new garden blog. I’ll try to post a link on this blog when I do so. Thanks so much.


Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.