Prompt – Why, Thank you!

Why, Thank You!

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” ~ Proverbs 27:6

why thank you

Sometimes a compliment is the best gift you can receive. At times, when it is intended as a back-handed criticism, a compliment can feel like a slap in the face.

“What’s the best (or rather, worst) backhanded compliment you’ve ever received? If you can’t think of any — when’s the last time someone paid you a compliment you didn’t actually deserve?” WordPress Daily Prompt on August 26th

Fortunately, when I read the blurb connected to today’s WordPress Daily Prompt, only a few of those dreaded back-handed compliments came to mind.

A compliment meant as a sneaky insult is the killer of friendships. When a family member is guilty of this veiled behavior, it is a black mark upon the relationship.

Best reaction: Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, but also a degree of Watchfulness. The old cliche is a true nugget of wisdom in this case:

Once burned shame on you twice burned shame on me!

A true, heartfelt compliment is like a bouquet of flowers for the spirit.

thank you

The above photograph is a rendition of the first photograph in the post, rendered into a flower by the kaleidoscope effect found on the free site Lunapic. Check out Lunapic here:
Lunapic Free Photo Editor

Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.