Photo Challenge – Pear Green

Cee’s color choice for this week’s Fun Foto Challenge is one of my favorites, pear green, or as some call it, chartreuse. We painted our front door and shutters a creamy yellow in the summer, and my lavender and silver Christmas decor created a hideous color combination with the yellow. To appease my sense of what color goes with yellow, I chose a rather different Christmas theme this year. It’s also a vague self-portrait.

Here’s another seasonal example of Pear Green: sunlight casting a luminous reflection through Jamestown blown glass.

Water, water, everywhere. A good fit for the Photos by Jez Challenge. This photograph is out of season. It is a summer photo, taken on the Glassboro/Williamstown bike trail. I wish I could have captured more of the enchanted nature of the place; a swamp covered in duckweed. The growth is so thick the water was completely obscured. Beneath a canopy of trees, the place took on an otherworldly appearance. Hopefully, it will grow again this coming summer, and I will capture better photographs with a camera rather than my phone. I think this is a good example of pear green too.

8 thoughts on “Photo Challenge – Pear Green

  1. ellencrenson

    You sure do it up with Christmas decorations on the door. From my view the door looks good.
    The heron (green?) above the duck weed may have trouble finding a frog or a fish though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I have fun with it all. I do it slow…so many decorations collected over the years, and I find it hard to part with them. Many belonged to family members not with us anymore. Not sure what type of bird this was…my photo is dark and he wasn’t near us and very flighty. There are so many frogs in this swamp…I hope he had a feast.


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