Prompt – Perfect Conditions

“Life is too short to _____.”


…Wait for Perfect Conditions. “

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.”
Ecclesiastes 11:4

Daily Prompt @ WordPress: “No Time to Waste
Fill in the blank: “Life is too short to _____.” Now, write a post telling us how you’ve come to that conclusion.”

My photograph of a tenacious little mushroom illustrates the wisdom of Ecclesiastes and Mary Engelbreit…Use what you have and make the best of every situation. In short…

“Bloom Where You’re Planted” ~ Mary Engelbreit


2 thoughts on “Prompt – Perfect Conditions

  1. Even the mighty Redwood Tree of the American west, though it is one of the biggest trees in the world, starts out as a lowly seed…
    it does not wait for the perfect weather, perfect sunshine nor perfect anything….
    It grows where it was planted by GOD….
    Are we not better/more important to GOD than the mighty Redwood? Then why should we wait for the perfect time to grow?

    It is best to follow the will of GOD & grow where we were planted than to wait for that which will never arrive.


Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.