6 thoughts on “Quote – Sunshine

  1. Love the positivity that Helen Keller radiates. How much she suffered, yet how much she achieved. She wrote about sunshines and shadows when she might only have been able to perceive them through her teacher’s touches but yet she put in in words so perceptively. Bless people like her – with so little given them, they make so much.

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    1. Timelesslady

      I agree Susie. When I was young I had a biography on her and I read it over and over. The book was as much about her teacher, Annie Sullivan, as it was about Helen. Both were extraordinary women.

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      1. You don’t get women like Anne Sullivan these days, women who will give everything they have for their ward. Women truly doing their Godly duties. Which teacher will look out for their teacher now ? It is our children’s loss.

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        1. Timelesslady

          No, you don’t. Probably because our world is a much different place than it was at that time. I am astounded by how much it has changed in just the 20 years since my sons graduated from high school.

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  2. Sara A. Drissel

    I love the sunshine also. I feel like a dark cloud is hanging over my head I hope it blows away soon and i can feel the sun shining on me again.


  3. Timelesslady

    It has been oppressive in our area. So many clouds and rainshowers. The heat also kicked in yesterday. I’m happy the gardens and lawn are getting rain. They are greener already.


Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.