Photo Challenge & Pheathers – Weather Vane Wednesday/The Hunt

Almost every week finds me searching for new weather vanes. Most times the hunt takes me to areas I know, but this past weekend, we drove to a town we rarely visit, Salem, New Jersey.  On the way we passed barns, silos, and many open fields. In one of those fields two large birds drew our eye. At first glance we thought they were vultures, but then noticed the eagle-like head. This is the first time I’ve been able to see and photograph juvenile bald eagles. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology it takes about five years for a young bird to attain its adult plumage.

I did find some good weather vanes on the drive. A cockerel is a commonplace weather vane, but this brass and copper rendition is far from common. I consider it a classic remade into something extraordinary.

Salem is an old town, established in the 1600’s. I had limited time to take photographs or explore the town. We visited the weekend the Christmas Parade was scheduled, and were hardly able to drive through the town at all. As we left the main street the police and firemen were beginning to  put up barriers for the parade.

I did take a photo of two of the weather vanes. This one was very large and looked to be a favorite perch of some starlings. I know I’ll make another trip to Salem soon and take a few more photos for the challenge.

Thanks to ‘The 59 Club’ for taking part in last week’s challenge:
The 59 Club – Hiding in the Moss

The Photo Challenge: Each Wednesday, I post a photograph of a Weather Vane with a short description of where it can be found and any history connected to it. The main focus of the challenge is the photo of the Weather Vane and the location. The challenge can be Wordless if that is what you choose. If you would like others to see your post leave a link to your blog in the comment box. You can also tag the post #weathervaneweds. If you place a link to my post in your post you will create a pingback that will appear in the comment section. The challenge is open all week for comments and posts. Thanks so much for taking part in my challenge.

Many thanks to Cee, of Cee’s Photography, for including this challenge in her listing of WordPress Challenges. If you love challenges take a look at this page and while you are there check out some of Cee’s terrific posts. Thanks Cee!

6 thoughts on “Photo Challenge & Pheathers – Weather Vane Wednesday/The Hunt

  1. Pingback: Photos from Destin, FL (Wednesday Weather Vane) – priorhouse blog

  2. Pingback: Old Timer

  3. I didn’t know that it took eagles that long to mature. Great photo of the little guys.

    I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw a weathervane. I’m intrigued by your challenge so will check back to see what other ones you find.

    Liked by 1 person

Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.