Product – Miracle-Gro Composter/Tumbler

I purchased a composter/tumbler from Miracle-Gro this Spring. It was totally unassembled, so it took my husband about 90 minutes to put it together. A few connective inserts bruised his thumb as they were challenging to push into the frame. Yet, when the composter/tumbler was ready to use, it was all easy from that moment on. 

I placed it in the back of the yard. The composter is not an eyesore, but it is only pretty if you are a gardener and recognize what you are looking at. I immediately added a bit of used potting soil, undiseased yard/garden clippings, and kitchen scraps. Every day I made sure to tumble the bins. When the first bin was full, I marked six weeks on the calendar, and today was the day I scooped out my first harvest of compost. 

After removing the few sticks and roots that had not decomposed, I admired the dark, beautifully textured soil the composter created. I added it to the tops of my potted tomatoes. I am pleased with this wonderful garden product and recommend it. I purchased mine through Amazon. 

  • The only drawback to this product is that it is time-consuming and frustrating to connect some of the pieces. 

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