Quick Tip – Flexible Garden Ties


I’ve checked the garden section of my local dollar stores for weeks, hoping to find a new supply of flexible ties. Today, I found what I’d been seeking. These ties are absolutely the best! Last year I bought two packets, this year I bumped up my total to three, and I am wondering now if I should have bought double that amount. What a bargain! Sixteen and half feet for only a dollar. I’ve also seen the same packets in other garden centers, but they are a few dollars more. These ties are available for a limited time in most dollar stores.


I took this photo today, just minutes ago. The support I created for my climbing roses withstood late summer heat and winter weather and is still holding the arching branches of the rose with ease. The cushioned exterior, the strong wire within, are the perfect tie for most garden plants.


I also had great success last year protecting emerging seedlings and lettuce patches with small cages of wire created with the flexible tie. This lettuce plant survived the winter, and since hungry rabbits abound in my yard, I’m protecting it now before they begin to nibble on it.

If you are a gardener you can’t go wrong buying a few packets of flexible ties to have on hand. Hmmm…now I’m wondering what I can use the ties for in the house.

10 thoughts on “Quick Tip – Flexible Garden Ties

  1. Appreciate the tip. I regularly shop at my local dollar stores, and will be looking for this item. My sister recently visited from TN and put in the most gorgeous flower garden for me, and I’m considering adding a few vegetable plants as well, since I still have some available room. Soil is already prepped, and while she was here, she even transplanted a pretty well-established rose that was stretching towards the sunlight more and more every day. We were worried it might not take kindly to being relocated, but it has sprouted a lovely bloom this morning, and seems to enjoy being located in the sunniest corner of the garden now. It is a climber, so it will need some help, and using flexible ties to attach it to the ornamental privacy lattice fencing would be just what it needs. Will definitely keep my eyes open for this item.

    Never thought of using it to build little cages to protect seedlings, so again, thanks for the tip. I’m already thoroughly enjoying my flower garden, and look forward to sneaking a few veggies into the mix to see how they do. I’ve never been a very successful gardener, but my sister has given me a huge head start by grouping “loves sun” vs “less water” vs “partial sun only” plants together, so I’m hopeful. So far, so good. And now I’ll be looking for flexible ties to help my garden along as things continue to grow. 🙂

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    1. Your garden sounds amazing. We are still in the midst of winter here, although so far it has been a very mild one. I have to be content with cleaning out garden beds, and doing a happy dance over little things that have somehow made it through the cold…like the lettuce I protected. I think you will be pleased with this product. I am thrilled I found it again. It is gentle to the plants, but holds firmly. A perfect tool for a gardener to have. Let me know how it works out for you.

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