Phloral Arrangement – IAVOM/Coral and Cream

I’m attempting to have flowers on my kitchen table every day, especially in the summer months when my garden is bursting at the seams with colorful blossoms. This plan will fulfill two goals, and I will also create a vase for In A Vase on Monday. (IAVOM) This challenge is hosted by the Ramblings in the Garden Blog.

When I gazed out the window this morning, the coral petals of two roses grabbed my attention. They would perfectly match the lilies blooming in another garden bed. I added white Snapdragons and some cream-colored Echinacea to the bouquet.

The vase looked so pretty in the guest room I almost felt guilty moving it to the kitchen.

23 thoughts on “Phloral Arrangement – IAVOM/Coral and Cream

  1. Yes, since I started IAVOM it would seem strange not to have a vase in the kitchen all the time! Your rose picks out the centre of the lilies and the antirrhinum softens the brightness of both – you will certainly enjoy looking at this in person!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does mirror the colors. The lily is called Montego Bay. I meant to add that but forgot. I don’t know all the names of the lilies I grow, but I bought this one not only for the look of it, but also because we have vacationed in Montego Bay. It is lovely and smells good too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pretty flowers, I would have flowers around here if I could grow them myself which I can’t for many reasons like I am too damn lazy to garden, and I have not green thumbs but black ones as in things tend to die under my care

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The lilies are very easy…no green thumb needed. I buy them in packs at the grocery store, plop them in the ground and every year they reward me for my minimal efforts. They don’t last very long, but no matter, while they do they delight me. I plant more every year.


Thanks so much for your comments. They fill my life with sunshine.